Saturday, August 19, 2023

The Gospel, our transition for love is criticized

 What christian denomination provides the most accessible way of receiving eternal life by following the Gospel? 

Facts are that any denomination is good when it makes us follow the gospel Romans 10:17 The gospel for christianity is the good news of God with us: The Gospel is the love of God that redeemed us leaving us his commands; in summary, the Gospel is the good news of God with us where the one and only true son of God suffered to redeem all humankind by putting the sins of the world on himself, he was pure without sin, and suffered to his death washing away the sins of everyone by paying the price of redemption with his blood. He died, resurrected and sat at the right side of God; the Holy Ghost remains with us so we can understand the teachings of salvation John 14:26 , and so that we know the word of God John 1:1. We must repent and follow God’s commands.Following God’s commands is the solution of love for everyone  given by the Word John 14:21,  John 8:28, John 13:34, Revelation 19:13

We must follow to the best of our ability the example given by Jesus Christ when we repent. We must not judge others but strive to better ourselves with the grace of God. Luke 13:1-5. We must pray for our forgiveness and for the well being of everyone 1 Timothy 4:10, Luke 18:1.

I do not believe that condaming or accusing a christian  denomination of not following the Gospel, that it is justified when the reason for the attack seems uncertain and non-existent for those that are practicing with the bible and following the denomination in question.

I am not a writer and I have difficulties assembling what I believe is good to transmit as proper information. I also have difficulties presenting everything in a readable and interesting fashion. I tend to mostly go direct to the subject and whatever comes through on paper can be the result of many trials and errors. It can take me many weeks to render what I consider satisfactory and still, sometimes, I just give up, and go ahead with the information as I have it without adding more arrangement. 

The Lord knows how much time we have, and we may have a sense of urgency to acquire  for ourselves and others the gift, the recognition of the redemption that God gives. But, God has all the time and many servants as ourself that follow Him with whatever spiritual gift we have to help others. Still, In many cases, I just give out a message as I can, not finding a better way to transmit it; other times, I get tired and I put my writings away to come back to it days later when I feel up to it. I rely on the help of the Holy Ghost that can remind me of what I have read in the bible that should be true for a message toward a particular cause or case. 


I read what I have written and sometimes I find it exhausting, so the Holy Spirit is not  always dominant with me or in me. And I question myself, I think why am I attacked by so many evil thoughts scrambling my mind trying to stop me? I think back on many of my sins that are stilI haunting me and I understand that I am not giving myself all out to God. I believed in redemption and being  washed clean, but I sin again in many ways so I have to fight to understand myself better and have the motivation to help others, so that everyone can better themselves. 

Hell seems often where I will go with my frustration and bad temper. I am not excusing myself, on the contrary, but anyone that works beyond their normal capacity for everyday necessities and maybe more, will understand that there is sometimes no relief on earth and the devil will find circumstances or other persons to crush you more. So calyces on the hands may bring imaginary ones in the mind. Hope is what  sometimes all that remains, and we must persevere. I personally believe that God is Almighty and that He does not rely on criteria that would condemn innocent people, ignorant people or tired people.John 9:41. 

Charity or love is the only way to paradise. Living one day at a time is meaningful when you are following Jesus Mathew 6:34, but living day to day doing anything may  be useless in the sense of helping others or even yourself. Still, the Father sees us and waits with patience. Most of us have heard the saying: Love is the strongest power on earth, we may also say that love is the strongest power in the universe. Love is in fact the one and only way to God 1 Corinthians 13:13, but why is it through faith  that we please God  Hebrews 11;6?  

We must understand where grace comes from Luke 7:41-42 and where it goes. I believe that God wants us to understand that He is the greatest power John 15:13 as we can also recognize greater Love 1 Corinthians 12:31. With Faith, and  by our repentance, we must be humble and grateful to the truth of God’s existence by his work,John 6:26. I believe that true love is knowing Jesus and so from the truth comes grace with eternal life. Hope brings us strength to follow the commands of Jesus Christ. I am so much a sinner that it makes me weep sometimes and cry other times mostly on myself, evidently we must follow all his commands if we say that we know him 1 John 2:4. 


I think we must have an incentive to reach others and bring everyone to God, and that is because we all need His help for any problems and we must love one another. We are all free to receive the gift of faith when we ask for it by hope in the work of God, and to be part of our Fathers family through the husband of the New Jerusalem, the church of Jesus Christ Revelations 21:1-4. But we must also understand that He may want us to know some of the beginning, God wants to be recognized, He created the earth without any ill caused pollution, He choose the people that were closer to Him, and he gave his only son to finally save our souls John 3;16, John 14:9, John 15;3

It is difficult for saints to be just, even today, as it was difficult when  following the law of Moses Romans 7:15. We must know that God is the Alpha and the Omega and that we must find him alive in us by pushing away what is bad Romans 12:9 and remembering and trusting what is good and true by Jesus Christ Colossians 1:16 We must now live by the New Covenant already announce in the Old Testament Jeremiah 31:31-34.

The gift of faith to Paul was drastic, Paul could not see past the works of the law, but was called upon by Jesus who first  blinded him Acts 22:11  but then called on a disciple to cure him of his physical blindness, Paul gained his sight back and became a disciple with a ministry for the Gentiles, understanding the purpose of Jesus Christ, the work of God Acts 9:15 . Faith in Jesus Christ is the most important gift that God provides to those that step forward or where chosen   Ephesians 2:8-9. which is then so amazing whether we show God that we are worthy or that we acknowledge that we are dependent on his mercy through Jesus Christ our redeemer that makes us worthy Romans 6:22  1 Corinthians 12 .

Years on and years off is the way I practiced my religion, but by not ever forgetting Christ all together. I did not practice my religion for some time but I always believed in our Lord Jesus Christ even though I did move apart in so many ways by lack of devotion to others Matthew 25:45 but not without any hope of redemption because I still wanted to do what is right by Him. I kept  remembering the Lord and reading more of the bible now and then. But it is easy to get lost in the world.

 I was raised as a catholic, but I understand that all depends on yourself and the grace of God. Still, sacraments are a blessing that guide us and remind us of the Lord. Sacraments also remind us that we are a family. I wonder sometimes about the hierarchy and the use of certain terms like father. Even orphans may know a father and a mother and a father that is God so why not a father that is a priest even though it is said to not call anyone father Mathew 23:9 ;but the context mostly include the title of teacher, so we must understand the value of vocabulary where the meaning is in the truth given to our heart; and we know of the authority of a good father or a teacher by what we may have experienced in our life, so we must understand, conclude,hope and believe that the best does exist. To me, God is the true father and Lord, like Jesus is also Lord, we pray to the father but also  for everybody with the help of the Holy Ghost.

 I  often wonder about other christian denominations, but I keep an open mind.  

We all come across different people and we can gather information here and there about what they think is just; and of course, today we can find different preachers on the internet. Love remains the true essence to share, or way to follow and to please God. Sacrificing something that we have is proof of  love where Jesus showed real love by sacrificing himself. Jesus gave his life John 15:13.

 There is one true church, the New Jerusalem, and it englobes every denomination and all congregations where those that follow the gospel are devoted to Jesus Christ 1 Corinthians 12:25-27. I believe that every Christian congregation does have christians with something to offer in the body of Christ, but it can be good to find where we feel that we belong among certain differences. Romans 12

We are all sinners, so anywhere we are, there are always pros and cons; except that I believe, like I was taught, that if you do not have anything good to say about somebody, just don’t say anything, unless, of course, you think someone can be in danger. So I wonder about those that criticize saying that they are better. I believe that it is wrong to raise yourself by diminishing others. God is self supporting and his merciful grace is universal. 

I wanted to answer a critic of catholicism on youtube mocking the eucharist among other things. I did not leave a comment, I did not want to discourage those  that find it uplifting to believe in the christian ministry that was now criticizing. It may be good for them to search for faults enabling them to choose a christian environment.There are some faults in catholicism like the indulgence and individual errors that were hidden, but  Christ is still very well announced. To accuse and search beyond what at first seems very well acceptable not knowing how intrinsic it can all be for a certain individual follower is to me irresponsible. It is so shameful to label the followers to be without grace or in error. The eucharist is reliving the sacrifice made by Christ for our salvation, with the help of the Holy Ghost, making it our hope for grace, for we are the deserving one of punishment that got freed; and so, we can find strength to resurrect from our sins in spirit in this world and beyond. 1 Corinthians 11:26 And 1 Corinthians 11:27 seems to me, asking for a celebration done in a responsible manner, like all actions of our life should be driven by repentance.

The church has many dénominations and all members are by definition born again when they embrace the christian faith with understanding. We must repent and do our best to follow the Lord. 1 John 1:9 No one is good but God, and redemption is the only way to the Father through the blood of Christ. I believe that instead of accusing when we find faults in someone, that we must be sure they understand what those faults are and may so correct themself, otherwise, we should think of complementing them by giving them support or by sharing a better influence until they seem to be able to pursue life in God’s image for everyone. I believe that worshiping makes everyone acceptable among every christians with prayers for others. How can everyone be in accord? The example given is that if the suffering is mostly ours, we still need help to carry the cross Matthew 27:32, we should give of ourselves to better others. 

Remember James 2;18. Everyone has their faults, some may criticize too much I would say. Of course, explanations may be required. Works can be following the law of Moses or doing good deeds, but I do not believe in judging others because only God knows more than anyone the complexity we may find. And who is to say that one is following or not what is above his head when the basic truth of Jesus Christ is proclaimed in front of the follower? All that matters is in the heart with the grace of God, repentance is the only way, still we might need to be disciplined Hebrews 12:6. 

Repentance makes way for little suffering compared to the cross of Christ Matthew 11:30  and we do have joyful celebration with the grace of God like at the Wedding in Cana  John 2:1-12. But we are bought with a price 1 Corinthians 6:20.The eucharist is part of mass celebration, reflecting on the redeemer and praying and worshiping God for our salvation. We must celebrate a  partnership with the grace of Jesus Christ Luke 22 verse 19 1 Corinthians 11:27, The Corinthians have gatherings that seemed unjust to Paul where some would eat the lot they have and others nothing; so Paul concluded for there gathering that they should eat lightly and recall the last supper  1 Corinthians 11:32-33. 

Catholics are recommended to confess their sins if a burden exists before participating in the eucharist. Protestant confess themself directly to God, but catholics also confess themself to a priest James 5:16.

Some people celebrate the joy of freedom, singing and dancing. There are different denominations, different congregations and so different celebrations or manifestations. Most protestant churches have hymns or songs at the service. But we need to think of sacrifices to help others. Jesus said: Do this  in remembrance of me and what is it to remember of the last supper but the crucifixion that follows? Luke 22:19. Lets not forget  Hebrews 12 verses 1-3 , the author and finisher of our faith, where obedience is synonym of our salvation Matthew 26:39

If we live in  repentance, then we can recall communion with Jesus Christ, because we love the work of God, and with the help of the eucharist we may marry Jesus with our body and soul to reach higher understanding with prayers. God may answer our prayers so we can resolve our mind and our heart to do what good we can on earth in waiting for the coming of Jesus Christ 1 Corinthians 11:26 . To mock the eucharist is to mock the last supper where they surely ate and drank;  We do not live by bread alone Matthew 4;4 but with the nourishment of the Word and the Word is the Spirit made flesh Revelation 19:13. When two or more are gathered in my name I am among them Jesus said Matthew 18:20. And who is to criticize and say that they know how to pray or manifest a prayer Romans 8:26. To me, the eucharist means that we participate tangibly in the sacrifice by obedience in union with God made flesh  Hebrews 12:4. So we can  manifest our communion with repentance and maybe with joy or  assurance thinking, if you will, of the Son at the right hand of the Father. Faith remains making  the Word stronger in us when we practice what is recommended. Protestants may give thanks before a meal, but Is it to common or singular to say that we are what we eat John 8:12-18, so in fact, the entire body of christ is spirit that is now at the right hand of the Father.John 14:23 Acts 1:7-11


Preachers study all the time, ordinary people work and play. Sacraments are reminders of promises through sacrifice. Be careful when reading Matthew 18-10. Care for the little ones. For those that criticize, to say that you love someone and being at the same time judgemental seems out of place to me. Remember that some people are in progress that we can say like  in Hebrew 5-13 where milk is sufficient, and I must say that believing in the sacrifice of the Lord in the flesh can not be a deception. Be careful when you criticize, because it is commonly said that the road to hell is paved by good intentions; just remember not to judge too much for it is written in Mathew 7 verse 1. And did the father rebuke his prodigal son? No! So who is to say who is astray? There is always hope Mathew 19:26, and more so for those near us as many catholics are devoted to serve in obedience for all we should know.

I was myself very critical of catholicism but never condaming or accusing because so much good came of it from the good followers, yet evil found ways to obstruct either up in the hierarchy or down with any individual. I always return to my roots to practice year on year off. Of course, there are many efforts that we must make to follow the word of God but know that in every mass there are scriptures that are read to be understood with a sermon, and prayers are done for others living in the world and never are there any condamnations or criticism…And evidently, lectures are available to be read again at home to remind to pursue the word on our own. Maybe those that are critical of others should look at some good examples or efforts, and maybe, offer ways to complement not just the good but whatever may seem to be missing.

For the paintings and statues of churches that some compare to idols, they are only stimulants for the imagination, or works of art. Every christian knows that God is Spirit and Love. Historically, I figure that images and statues are a great help for the illiterate with few preachers and no megaphone available? A picture is worth a thousand words. Many sacrifices were made by priests and nuns to show the proper motivation throughout the ages. For others, like Paul said: As long as the word is preached… Remember Philippians 1-18. But I do wonder about some blessings or ritual toward  inanimate things, again it must be a stimulus for the observer, still it must be tradition; and still, about objects, just the clothes of Paul ,a simple disciple, would cure sicknesses  Acts 19:11-12 and remember Jesus Mark 6:56. We must hope and believe in so many gifts, and that God’s grace is always manifested on earth for those with faith.

Mary became the mother of John, John 19:26-27 could it have been a good  omen for her to become the mother of all? I pray little to Mary, for the Hail Mary prayer I like to say Holy Mary mother made of flesh, mother of God made man; and to ask her to pray for us is a little like hoping for help from the Holy Spirit Romans 8:25-28. God  knows very well the heart that is praying in hope.Those critics that talk about symbols and figurative  that are wrongfully used or understood they should revise themself for the future of their own ministry. Judge not and you shall not be judged like what goes around comes around, still, love is what counts the most  1 corinthians 13:13. God is love, God is spirit, Jesus Christ is the word of God and the Holy Spirit reminds us of the Trinity. God bless everybody. 

Again, who  dares criticize the eucharist instead of reaching for understanding or compassion, it seems quite unchristian like not to expand into positive understanding with blessing for the poor in spirit if you will Romans 8:25. So eating the bread and drinking the cup may very well be a spiritual affair but how many people are open to understanding the truth if not with hope to start than faith after sweating at work all week or racking your brain on any problems?  Everything is tangible on earth and so may be the present of God for those that seek him. Of course, it is good to be in the Spirit at all times and to pray or give blessings before a meal and in all moments, but how do we truly carry the proper cross and how can we without help Mathieu 7:32 and who is so good but God only Luke 18:19  all I am saying is that the Holy Spirit knows what is happening. I wasn't raised giving thanks before a meal, but we can pray by ourselves and for others at any time by hope and faith. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with all. 

I lost track of the video that first captured my attention by its criticism of catholics, it was by Living Waters but this one is even more aggressive. I retrace some of the sayings mentioned in the video about the Council of Trent and I believe it to be somewhat like what they read, but the understanding may be arbitrary, prayers remain what God receives. For CANON IX, Those that call Lord Lord Matthew 7:21, do they have love above all like in 1 Corinthians 13:13 to aim to please with faith in the necessity of believing the work of God. 

To believe in the scriptures without the Holy Spirit is incongruous and seems to me what is to be understood in what has been read in CANON XI, that the Holy Spirit brings Love to us in the Trinity. But like we say sometimes: Too much is like not enough. Why make it simple when we can stretch it to be complicated? But I can not believe in the accusation of wrong Gospel. And we go uphill to what seems to me teaching for priesthood when everything is happening in common sense? We must do our best and know that God knows the heart and we should ask for a bigger heart so we have a better understanding approaching God’s will.

CANON IX.-If any one saith, that by faith alone the impious is justified; in such wise as to mean, that nothing else is required to co-operate in order to the obtaining the grace of Justification, and that it is not in any way necessary, that he be prepared and disposed by the movement of his own 

will; let him be anathema.

CANON XI.-If any one saith, that men are justified, either by the sole imputation of the justice of Christ, or by the sole remission of sins, to the exclusion of the grace and the charity which is poured forth in their hearts by the Holy Ghost, and is inherent in them; or even that the grace, whereby we are justified, is only the favor of God; let him be anathema.

I will not at the moment read the Council of Trent. It takes me a lot of time to read verses of the bible. It is not for me to know what is anathema, of course they are bad people in the world, but I am not the one to judge although some dictators or warmongers are likely influence by evil; I still believe in praying for everyone and God knows where it’s at for all of us on the judgment day to come. I understand the efforts made to follow God’s orientation Mathew 18:18 but it is not my place to judge but to forgive. In Matthew 18 about dealing with sin in the church, forgiveness is to me what is mostly put forward as Jesus says to Peter that he should forgive his brother not just seven times but seventy-seven times Mathew 18:22.

The Council of Trent

  Sixth Session, Canons,_Canons.html

Love or charity demands of ourselves a sacrifice either big or small, may it be material, time, understanding with patience whatever sacrifice it may be for someone, and Jesus gave all he had… I must say what I believe of Paul, his epistles were cause oriented for a problem in particular, like in Galatians  where in chapter 1,2,3 Paut is confronted with the Old Testament where the Jews want to include the law of moses. We may graduate the epistles to be universal but some do remain somewhat contradictory for example 1 corinthians 14:34  where women are to be silent in assemblies and Galatians 3:28 where there is no differences in Christ between male and female and 1 corinthians 7:14 where I would guess the believing woman may have had good opinions to share or even instruction for the husband that has an open mind or heart.

We must have faith and also know what it entails, we may have repentance before Christ or be full of joy with others, all by the grace of God for our freedom. So we can conclude with 1 Corinthians 13:13 which is love that God has for us. Matthew 7:21

Everything in this video is an accusation and a denial of real love where charity demands a sacrifice of yourself either big or small. To claim that it is possible to control the grace of God is senseless and that is one of the accusations against catholicism in this video. I understand, now that I have done different research, where it might all come from. Of course, some protestant need a reason to protest  and carry their denomination, but I wish they would stick to the obvious, like for example hiding the sinning priest, or the indulgence.

Protestant confess directly to God where different denominations confess to their priest like catholics do; but prayers and confessions done directly to God are also for catholics. James 5:16 As a catholic, I have to confess my sins to a priest, where I am pardon in the name of the Trinity, so I believe that the priest has the power to pray for us, but he may also decide who is eligible or not:

One young man, a cousin of mine, had his own father go to the priest to fix things because the priest had excommunicated him. Because coming out of the confession boot the young man cursed against the person coming into the boot while he was still there.Hebrews 12:6. 

 I do not believe it to be possible that any denomination would not accept the grace of God, because grace saves lives and God remains the one and only to attribute his will. We must remember that only God is good Mark 10:18 and that for God all things are possible Mark 10:27. So I believe in grace for anyone that God cares for because God is Love and knows the heart 1 Timothy 4:10

As a catholic, and the sinner that I am, I always believed in redemption, and grace. I am still far from home, exhausted physically or exasperated for some reason and having a bad temper and still swearing sometimes making my cross always heavy. So I hopefully get what I deserve Hebrew 12:6 .But after all, I have help from God to pick up the pieces when I recall how I am washed clean John 15:26. with maybe some corrections Hebrews 12:6.

Preaching the Gospel is also living the gospel. To me the gospel is not knowing everything that we should do but to do what we know to the best of our ability and that does not necessarily mean to give our life away without rejoicing on earth. We must live and have families and love one another. 

When I get too tired from the work that I do, as a maintenance painter and plasterer, I am very attacked by evil because I may get impatient, and the news are also bad about what we find all around in the world, and the world has all sorts of temptations. I hope to finally survive after being far from fitting in. Luke 9:62. God has patience to give and I need his help. Of course we all have different gifts 1 Corinthians 12:4.

If there are contradictions in the way we perceive how the gospel should be followed, I do not believe in condamnation of false doing, but to act toward more in the invitation to participate in better doing or to demonstrate ways and prayers for better doing, all the contrary of condemnation or general accusations. Like helping to carry the cross instead of putting weight on it.

Of course, they are faults that are not to be taken lightly. I personally do not appreciate the indulgences of the catholic church that appears to still take place  where God’s help can be bought with money, if it where only meant and deserved as a sacrifice like for the poor widow. No one is good except God alone and we must pray for others.

The Widow’s Offering

1As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. 2He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. 3“Truly I tell you,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others. 4All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”

I do wonder about the catholic church hierarchy where they seem to look to define ways to solidify the denomination, but I never heard false preaching in mass. 

There are  ways to live the gospel, some manifest sacrifices and the most important is by charity or love where we do not judge one another but rejoice in helping one another like when Jesus sent his followers and he saw evil fall out of the sky Luke 10:7. Luke 9:1 And he called the twelve together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. 2And he sent them forth to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick. 

Paul lived in celibacy but was open to others and gave sense to carrying a cross so that we can all be as one

Here is a matter of love where one spouse is good and the other one not so bad.

An opinion from Paul. 1 Corinthians 7:12

Notice (The following translation uses brother instead of husband).

English revised version 1 Corinthians 7: 14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified in the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified in the brother: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy. 

Our blessings is what God wants us to be recognize by. So Paul is blessing the children by one spouse, the spouse that saves the family. 

Matthew 18;18 “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be  bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

Back to Mary, did she go through life a virgin? Still she was surely washed in the blood of Christ.

We have here a good example of how tradition identifies one another to brother and sister when we compare 1 Corinthians 7:14 of the English revised version and Mark 6:3 and to make the brothers and sisters conform to protestant understanding should Joseph not be mentioned somewhere in Mark 6:3?

Remembering Mary our holy mother: Catholics believe Mary to have been a virgin all her life, which I think that it is not defined. At first, I thought she was a virgin for life, then I believed in the family of brothers and sisters born from Mary, then I found that it is recognized that cousins or close friends are traditionally brothers. And I thought of John the Baptist, a cousin that was not defined as a brother for all I know, even though he paved the way for Jesus John 1:23, he remains behind John 3:30 Luke 7:28 .

With Jesus being  the Alpha and the Omega Revelation 1:8 , it seems appropriate that Mary remains definitely a virgin, for sure she is not the spiritual parent of Jesus, so why can she not have given birth to others? God the Father is the spirit of the word. We all understand that Mary had good sense raising him from childbirth, and if Mary did have other children, I do not believe that she would be anything less before the eyes of Jesus. We may or may not believe she had an influence on him celebrating a wedding at Cana John 2:1-2. But who can deny or even understand the pain she had to deal with at his crucifixion. Having harsh arguments over it all seems to me very out of place when nothing is really explained in the scriptures as we now have it. Different denominations and congregations are to me necessary to complement one another and never to be rivals. But Jesus being the Alpha and the Omega, the word of the Beginning and the End, where through him all that exist remains, Mary being chosen among all women, making it billions of women through the ages, could she not keep her blessing as a virgin, even if she depends on having been washed by the blood of her son the Lord Jesus Christ? Ephesians 2:8-10. But Mary was not just any servant, so is it justifiable to give praise to motherhood if we identify it John 19:27 coming from God? But we know very little of Mary except what we hope, and our hope must be from all our strength more directed to the coming of Jesus Christ the work, but how do we balance everything when we are so amazed by everything surrounding the work of God?

We must believe Paul, him that Jesus chose, Paul regained sight, Was chosen by Jesus Christ for his ministry to the Gentiles and he defines charity to be what remains the most important 1 Corinthians 13:13.

So I believe the gospel to be a major requirement to enter the kingdom of God, that it should be taught to everyone. Contrary to other thinking and most probably catholicism, I believe that some people ignorant of the Gospel may also have God’s attention. Not referring to works but to love as the law and way of life, I think of those that are not reached by the preaching of the truth but do love in sacrifice of themselves, that they are heaven bound. Romains 2:14. But what can I say for all those ignorant of the Gospel when they need a redeemer? Prayers are surely what we must have for them.

It is through faith in the work of God which is God’s act of love that with faith we can truly move mountains, where it is better to move mountains with Love 1 Corinthians 13:13. We should do our best to inform others of God. And I believe baptism to be a family seal, and I do believe in the strength of the sacrament to provide help from the Holy Spirit, but I believe in God above to care for all the innocent people like babies unbaptise or even all members of other faiths that would sacrifice themselves by love for others. Baptism is a command from Jesus Christ to spread the Good News that may come to be a tradition. God is Spirit and God is Love. John 4:24, 1 John 4:16 

And if the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom Proverbs 9:10 Proverbs 8:13, I believe the teaching of grace and the Gospel is more in concordance with 1 John 4:18  where there is no fear in love.

God knows the heart. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

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