Friday, June 24, 2016

Christianity and the unique God.

The Corran recognizes that Jesus was born to the virgin Mary by  no other means than what we know to be the Holy Ghost; still to Islam, Jesus is nothing more than a prophet  of the  unique God. God is unique and the Trinity is something blasphemous.  No one must believe in other than the Unique God.

Facts remains that christians are praying to a unique God. The prayer given by Jesus is a prayer to the Unique God, where God because of Jesus’s teaching is the father of us all.

Jesus came to accomplish the scriptures. He is the messiah prophesied. Is the messiah God? The bible says yes. How can the messiah be God when God is unique? To answer that, we must ask help from the Holy Ghost and enter inside ourselves to listen to our heart and ask the question: Does God really understand and accept my humanity? Does God really love me?

For some people questioning God’s comprehension is blasphemous because God knows everything and is everything. God is God and nothing more. But we must admit our failure to truly understand, and our dismay like an infant turning to his parent for comfort. I believe that God wants our redemption through a family affair of the heart.

The more we suffer, the more we need an outstretched hand. What can a sinner hope for? Can he pray so much to be forgiven? And what happens when new sins are brought to is understanding, every day, every hour, every minute, may it be a lack of patience, forgetting to help, a whim, a lie, smal our big sins accumulate where consciously he is before God that knows everything. Now, this sinner may be hill fortunate with a multitude of problems  related to work, health, family etc. Like a wounded man that has to take care of his family, and what becomes of a widow? Will the simple fact of praying God save a sinner? It is better to have a high priest to assist us like Jesus and he is there for everyone 1John 2,1-2 The concept is what makes Jesus Christ unique. God is spirit and we must adore him in spirit. With the teaching of Jesus Christ we may pray for the assistance of the Holy Ghost and hope for forgiveness, knowing how God is so much love it is easy to regret  our weaknesses and pray more.

Mankind is striving toward freedom and equality between nations and people, it is what is known as human rights; a right of dignity that love pursues. Philosophers will declare that it is exactly what they want to implement with their philosophies, which is kind of admirable, but philosophie is mostly intellectual . And how do they reach the miserable, the one with out education that may feel krush by his surrounding? It Is pretentious to believe that no one or nation would want to implement  something of their own. There is a multitude of philosophies, how would it be possible to implement a philosophy of justice for all if not with love? John 15, 13

To all our questions and mostly those without answers we must turn to God. What answer would God bring to mankind? A man, or any man or woman that wants to learn, will write and retrieve his history. Today’s man, proud of his knowledge, has thousands of years of learning data given by an all powerful God that is timeless.
I believe that history teaches that all nations retain the better lesson. Mankind is so obstinate and will listen and follow what seems closer to him, which is normal. But to what God will the oppressed and the suffering turn to?

To worship an almighty God, intangible, seems to bring arrogant effects even though humility may be taught. The Babel tower is a lesson for everyone to start realising our own demeanor. Being God’s servant is more than inventing and inflicting laws in his name, for what need does God have of misunderstandings? The golden rule remains: Do unto others what you want them to do unto you. Matthew 7,12

False pride will deny true facts.How can God teach how merciful he is toward mankind? He gave his answer with Jesus.

Translation ESV Acts 4, 8-12  8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, “Rulers of the people and elders, 9 if we are being examined today concerning a good deed done to a crippled man, by what means this man has been healed, 10 let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead—by him this man is standing before you well. 11 This Jesus[a] is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone.[b] 12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men[c] by which we must be saved.”

After the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Translation ESV Matthew 28, 17-20 17 And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted.18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Bless is the Lord Jesus the unique son of God, made man, who died and was resurrected by the father for the salvation of all mankind.

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